Moon Time

Hunter’s Moon October 17

Here we are with the next full supermoon of the year. An abundance of energy will be coming in with this one, which is a good thing to keep in mind. Days are shorter and nights are longer. This is a good time to go through and take mental inventory of how things have been going for you so far. What is working? What is not? What has really peaked your interest? Learn to focus you energy on those things that are working, rid yourself of those that are not and finish the year strong on reaching your goals. It’s pretty plain and simple on this one. And yes, of course, get your Moon Water ready and drink it first thing on your rising and feel the energy of the moon fill you and allow it to heal and course through and help seal your clarity. Be well

Buck Full Moon July 21

The next full moon is Sunday, July 21 and it’s an exciting time. With Native culture this is the time of growth and the season of abundance. With this being the peak of buck antler growth comes, vitality and the time to get ready for the new seasons of change to come.

This is a great time to cleanse and to accept changes that may come to pass. Growth will be strong. With long and hotter, in some parts, days, this is the time you will feel you need to complete many tasks. Work on many projects, but do not forget time to relax and recharge. Monday evening is a great day to recharge and relax under the moon light. Prepare your moon water and recharge crystals and get ready for another chapter of this wonderful life.

Full Moon Time May 23

Full Moon will be Thursday, May 23. Let’s talk about setting intentions for this time. What is an intention? It’s a goal or plan that you set and wish to accomplish. Intentions can be what ever you want them to be, I recommend they be positive and attainable. Setting intentions that are not reasonable or attainable will bring in bad energy at a time when moon energy levels are at it’s peak.

As you get ready to set intentions, think about things you have been wanting or wish to accomplish. Intentions can be silent, spoken to yourself. They can be written down, placed in a small jar with crystals or dried herbs and flowers that bring more meaning and positivity to your intentions. Sage, incents and scented oils can all be used at this time to help you meditate and relax to pull in all the positivity and spiritual strength of the moon.

If you do set intentions and get moon water ready, check my article on how to make moon water and charge crystals, please send me a message and let me know how you feel through your process. I really would enjoy hearing about your journey.