Healthy on the Road

Taking on challenges along the way

I am working out and taking on an aggressive weight loss track right now. So, as I go around walking the property, the dogs walk along with me. So the walk I take is about a quarter mile from our trailer to the top of the hill. The hill is about a 25 or 30 degree grade so it isn’t horrible but my knees challenge me as I move up, the down is not as challenging. I do however have to focus the entire time due to the rocky terrain we have, one wrong step and I am rolling down the hill. I am doing a PPL (Push, Pull, Leg) split and that has me doing 2 of each days in a 7 day duration. This does not work on a traditional week schedule, for example a week is typically Sunday to Saturday. On a PPL schedule, the week starts the day you start working out so you start you PPL on Monday. Ok, Monday is a Push day, so the next day will be Pull day and the following is Leg. After that I have a day off and then move back into a Push, then Pull and then Leg day. This will keep you in a 7 day exercise cycle. I get more technical and detailed on my own schedule and do extra work as i work more and more throughout the weeks. Check out this video of my walk the other day, my dogs are acting up all the time. I love them! LOL

My Health is a priority

Here is a video I did for my YouTube channel. I am talking about my health journey and ways I am trying to improve my own health. I had a little warning and I am going to take it seriously. On our trip around the property one evening I felt a tightness in my chest and a tingle in my arm. Now I am not a doctor so who knows what it might have been for sure but it was a little scary. I feel as if it was indigestion I did let out a big burp when we got back and felt a little better. But for what it is worth I am going to push myself a little harder to stay healthy, eat a little better and workout more. I feel a little down because I really miss the gym and my campers and my home gym with all my equipment. I know this is just a formality and I can workout where ever I need to and I do have a few pieces of equipment with me that will get me far. I am one of those people that gets a rush off of being around like minded people working out. I love the gym setting and the teamwork of groups like what I had with my campers. So with that said, it will be hard for me to get up, show up and do the work, but I am doing it because my healthy right now is a priority. CJ is working out as well in his own way. He works out here on the property and he is able to figure out how to work out and move purposely to improve his physic. I sit a lot, I work in the trailer a few hours a day typically when it is really hot out. So, I am more sedentary and that is not the best situation for me right now. I will push to get up and workout early maybe even before light out because once the sun starts beaming I can’t even push as hard as I need to. I do have areas of shade but that requires me to take everything I need to film my workouts and sound and its a lot. Or maybe I should do it and that can be a part of my conditioning as well. I will get there for sure. Check out my video today talking about my thoughts and journey.

Check out my YouTube channel

WATERMELON Summertime favorite!

Watermelon by far has to be on everyone’s list of top fruits for summertime. Watermelon is sweet and savory and just all around a refreshing. Slicing a watermelon and serving cold is delicious! I love watermelon slices served with tajin and chamoy, sweet and savory is the best.

Watermelon is not only fun and refreshing it provides vitamins like vitamin A and C. Helps to reduce blood pressure and aids in hydration. Watermelon is most water and served chilled with help you stay hydrated and refresh you all at the same time. Watermelon has to be one of the best fruits out there.

Full time RVโ€™ers and ranch hands, itโ€™s a lot of work. With that said, our health and fitness needs to become more of a priority for us both. We keep saying we need to wake up earlier and earlier to get some stretching inโ€ฆ.and we will get better at that part for sure. When we first arrive here in Moore, Texas we did get up and do some streching and getting our days started early. We have vowed to get back to grand rising streching and waking up our mind and body.

I have a YouTube channel dedicated to fitness and health, check it out and look around. You just might find something that might be able to help you.

Check out my site here: